Thursday, April 3, 2014

Feels Like Home

Home is one of my favorite places.  In fact, it is certainly my absolute favorite place.  Everything on earth that truly matters to me is there.  Everything that reflects the attributes of God is represented by the people and relationships there.  Home is where I find unmatched safety.  Home is where I find the purest form of unconditional love(X 6).  Home is where I am most vulnerable.  Home is where I get to be a hero - and a superhero.  Home is where my imagination is enhanced by the imaginations of my children.  Home is where I find calmness in chaos.  It is where my patience is tested most and forgiveness flows most freely.  Home is where I hear the words “Daddy’s home” with loud, boisterous excitement.  Home is where hugs and kisses have the value of gold, and  are limitlessly mined.  Home is where encouragement abounds, and authentic love is unquestioned.

Though “home” might be defined differently by everyone, a healthy home is why we have clichés and sign-rhymes like:

“Our house is built with boards and beams, our home is built with love and dreams”

“Home is where the heart is”

“Home sweet home”

And as Dorothy Gail said while clicking her heels, “There’s no place like home”.

“This feels like home” were the words that came from my wife this week as we accepted a call to a new ministry role.  I could not agree more.

The response received from our new church family was overwhelming.  Everything from the thoughtfulness of people serving us above themselves to the tending of our children.  The Christian love expressed by both men and women, young and old was outstanding.  

Worshiping with this new group of people was an experience filled with authenticity, vulnerability, and freedom.  It’s the kind of authenticity, vulnerability and freedom that comes from hearts of genuine worship knit together, and saturated by the Holy Spirit.

It is a touch of heaven on earth that accomplished the task of edifying believers, striving together, on the journey in this world while worshiping and praising the creator of it.  It was safe.  It was accepting.  It was up-lifting.  It was rejuvenating.  It was unified.  It feels like home...  actually, now it is.

Thank you Wynne Baptist Church.  Thank you for adopting us into your home.  We look so forward to this new life together.

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