Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Few Awful Things About My Mom...

1. She wouldn't let my teachers punish me by assigning hand-cramping, repetitive, pointless lines, but instead made me write papers about honoring God and personal obedience.
2.  She only let me ride my bike from corner to corner when all my neighborhood friends got to go around the corner and vandalize property.
3.  She made me save my money when I was younger forcing upon me the opportunity to pay cash for my first [and second] car.
4.  She made me learn the responsibility of a part time job to pay for my own gas and insurance.
5.  She made me watch my tone and mouth causing me to have to show verbal respect for others.
6.  She made me embarrassingly apologize to others when I wronged them.
7.  She made me play outside in spite of the fact that the grass was green, the sky was blue, and the sun was shining. 
8.  She made me miss school for weeks at a time for educational vacations instead.
9.  She spanked me.
10.  She made me do things I was capable of doing myself.
11.  She was NOT my friend.
12.  She made me talk good... I mean, use proper grammar.
13. She made me think for myself.

Oh... and by the way, Mom is an author.
If you're a reader and like suspense, she'd love for you to click the link below and check out her work.

Happy Mothers Day, Mom. Thanks for training me up. I love you.

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