Monday, April 9, 2018

Thank You

Four years ago, my wife and I stood encircled by a prayerful and eager congregation of God’s people as we were welcomed into a new role of ministry.  I still remember the chatters and whispers of verbal prayers around us as the worship service closed that day.  I remember walking away realizing that was the first time I had experienced prayer support within earshot of so many audible voices at once, and with such overwhelming intensity.  I’ll never forget it.  Thank you for that.

Yesterday morning, once again encircled, suppressing my fear, holding back tears, and standing solo as a brokenly married man, I experienced a similar, but altogether different experience as the conclusion of my vocational church ministry ended with an exit of prayer.

It's difficult to choose words sometimes.  I know in my head that “ended” isn’t right, but at the moment, that is the way it feels.  Even the word “exit” implies finality, and I know…  again, in my head… finality isn't correct either.

I know that God seeks to use all of us within the framework and capacities of our “living life”, but what I’ve known and done as a vocational minister is pretty much all I’ve known and done.  That HAS been my life to live.  Living a new one seems too foreign at the moment.  It’s hard to see beyond the immediate.

But this post is intended to be a thank-you, so…  thank you.  Thank you for the prayers.  Thank you for the constant texts and messages of encouragement.  Thank you for the seemingly random texts of scripture that came at the most appropriate times.  

Thank you for the lunch meetings, dinner invites, phone calls, unexpected visits, and help with my children that have been so freely offered.  Thank you for the encouragement I have received from those who have been willing to tell me how you’ve reached out to Jennifer with prayers, calls, and texts.  Thank you for the way I’ve seen people love on my children in ways that they will never forget, and I will always cherish… they still need that, by the way.  All of us do.

Thank you for the leadership of our church and the way they have helped me walked through such a difficult matter, that is still very much… a matter.  Thank you for the willingness of those to rise and stand in the gaps of ministry that must be filled.  You are still needed desperately, and your service will not be without great impact upon children and their families.

Thank you to those who still choose to call me “Brother” Todd.  Titles have never been important or necessary to me, but the affection with which I have heard those words has rung sweetly in my ears over these last months.

Thank you to those who have opened up to me with your own personal struggles, challenges, and histories.  I KNOW that you probably wouldn't have, except for the knowledge of our own family difficulties.  With that, I am thankful for the new lessons in ministry that I’m learning.

Thank you to the voices of wisdom and guidance.  Some of you are within our church; some are long time friends; some, ministry colleagues; and others… professional voices of therapy.  Thank you for the many offers of others to just sit and listen if needed.  Thank you for the job suggestions and links to opportunities that have been sent my way.

Thank you for the willingness to give a leave of absence for the pursuit of healing and repair.  Thank you for time of transition.  Thank you for the generosity of individuals, usually anonymous; and especially to the church body as a whole for your expressions of love yesterday. 

Thank you to my far off friends.  Though separated by time or distance, you have felt comfortable to reach out with prayers, encouragement, and ways to be helpful.  God has placed you each in our lives for every one of these current moments.

Thank you to those who seek the truth, and are bold enough to ask questions.  Light dispels darkness.  It always has... it always will.

My life verse is 1 Timothy 1:12.  It is truly the most significant thanks of all.  It reads “I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service."

Again, thank you.

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