Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Flying Squirells

Yes, I know that is spelled wrong. That is the spelling that is currently scribbled into the dust on the back window of my van, along with "Chuck Norris on board". The Flying Squirrels is the self given name of the group of guys riding in my Van to Jackson, MS for Centri-kid today. I'm not exactly sure why that has become our name. There is a baseball team, a band, and even a pizza company in Seattle who bear the name; now, apparently, so do we.

Our ride was everything you would expect from a van of 4th, 5th, & 6th grade boys... complete with all the noises and smells. Right away I realized I needed ear plugs because they all like to talk at the same time, and in that game, the loudest one wins.

I heard more tough Chuck Norris jokes than I have heard in a long time [hence the Chuck Norris on board thing], and at one point our van was like attending a "STOMP" show with everyone attempting to bring rhythm from various objects. The cast of STOMP need not be worried.

When we finally arrived, we discovered the wonderful pleasure of climbing several flights of stairs to our rooms... 51 steps to be exact. I counted after having made several trips with other people's luggage. It is then that I realized a terrible flaw in the kids going to camp scenario.

Moms and/or Dads pack the suit cases.
Moms and/or Dads load them into the car.
Moms and/or Dads (or perhaps someone else helping) unload them at the church and toss them into the trailer.

BUT, when we get to camp and get to camp with 51 steps to climb, guess who can't lift their own bags up the stairs? Then, guess who gets to aid in the luggage transfer up those stairs? Todd and/or Steve. I am certain I will lose weight I need to keep this week just on the stairs alone.

At the time of this writing, all seems well. Our guys are in their rooms and, except for the occasional renegade wanting to play ding-dong ditch, all is quiet. I generally hate the first night of camp because it always takes the second day for everyone to be tired enough to WANT to settle down and go to sleep.

As for my own son... he is doing well; this is his kind of thing. He has taken in each encounter so far and really seems to be having a good time. I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of the week goes.

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