Friday, May 25, 2012

Passing the Time

I’m passing time.  Truly, I would rather be in the bed sound asleep waiting for the next installment of baby-wake/changing/feeding/eyes blaring/cooing time.  
I am passing the time until exactly 12:00 am on May 25th - my wife’s birthday.  The day that commemorates a predestined balance to my earthly life.  She was technically an “accident” you know.  I’m not sure I’m supposed to share that, but it is true enough indeed.  Knowing that fact makes knowing her all the more special.   
At this point, we have shared many birthdays together.  Thanks to the trappings of facebook, I feel compelled to stay up and watch the clock for the turn of the new day.  I just want to be the first post on my wife’s facebook wall for her birthday - ON her birthday.  

I know I could just pre-wish the happy birthday message, but I enjoy knowing that I will be the first to post on her wall.  Unless, of course, there happens to be those lurkers on facebook who are up in the middle of the night and happen to notice her in the birthday list.  That would undoubtedly ruin my intent.
I’m pretty sure I’ll beat most of the family since they are most likely all asleep.  I suppose my nephew and/or niece could be up and could beat me to the punch.  I guess that would be better than some random friend who she never talks to or hears from out posting me.
Ooooh, time is almost up...  BOOM!!!  I made it.  Good Night.

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